
Friday 5 October 2018

Fight For Flash in Bristol - Diabetes UK

The last remaining island of 'NO!' in the South West
It was great to get together with 30 or so people with diabetes and DUK folks last night in Bristol to consider how to challenge the local behemoth BNSSG CCG (Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire) to rethink its current 'flat no' position on prescription of Freestyle Libre in the city and surrounds of Bristol.

The event was organised by local legend and all round good egg Sandra Tweddell, who works and campaigns tirelessly to improve the lives, opportunities and experiences of PWD. Sandra called on the wonderful folks from the South West office of Diabetes UK who set up and supported the event.

Bristol's expansive CCG extends to areas around the city, and depending on which of the maps I found online are the most up to date is either one of the last or absolutely the last CCG in the South West to approve Freestyle Libre for prescription. The CCG initially dismissed Libre despite strong support from local specialist diabetes Consultants and DSNs who submitted a very strong case document outlining the potential benefits and cost savings, and national position statements from RMOC, Diabetes UK and the Association of British Clinical Diabetologists.

It is slightly irritating that Bristol suggests 'lack of evidence' as one of their main reasons for denying access to Libre since it was only this year that Bristol finally stopped supplying homeopathic treatment on the NHS. One of the last areas in the country to stop funding a treatment for which there appears to be absolutely no robust scientific evidence at all. Their other, and cynically I might suggest more pressing reason, is a substantial budget deficit. An eyewatering £58 million black (or possibly red?) hole in their finances which is inevitably applying significant pressure on their committees to not pay for anything they absolutely don't have to. It is also striking that while Bristol has internationally recognised specialists and expertise in diabetes research, some of the outcomes for treatment leave a lot to be desired - our record for lower limb amputations ranks as one of the worst in the country, for example. 80% of the UK entire budget spent on diabetes goes on treating complications of living with diabetes. When it goes wrong, we are very expensive to treat.

Dividing into small groups to brainstorm.
The event attracted a wide variety of people, from those diagnosed 40+ years ago, to others with less than 12 months of pancreas impersonation under their belts. After a brief introduction by Diabetes UK's Stefan, we gathered in small groups to brainstorm ideas on 3 different questions: Why do we think the CCG is denying Freestyle Libre in the area? What could we do to convince the CCG to change their minds? and Who could help the campaign?

An absolute torrent of ideas followed. The CCG's position seems fairly entrenched at present and revolves around a perceived lack of evidence, very real financial constraints and perhaps a lack of understanding of the nature of diabetes and how a piece of monitoring technology genuinely can help. Encouragingly discussions inside the CCG are still ongoing (perhaps they are already feeling the pressure) and Diabetes UK is meeting with them later this month. We seem surrounded by people who can help to remove the postcode lottery - several of whom are in positions of significant influence. Everyone's second favourite NHS England Associate National Clinical Director for Diabetes, Partha Kar is making 'gloves off' murmerings where CCGs are resisting Libre and maintaining the postcode lottery, while Keith Vaz and the APPG are mustering Parliamentary support.

As Libre has rolled out across the country and clinicians have begun to share the transformation in quality of life and hard-data outcomes that Libre is bringing to their patients, there surely will come a point where these can no longer be dismissed as merely 'anecdotal'. We were keen to find out exactly what was 'lacking' about the evidence that the CCG had already reviewed, and specifically what sort of evidence they were looking for.

It was great to see the enthusiasm in the room. A real desire to challenge the decision, to clarify the potential benefits to the correct population of PWD (and the potential cost-savings that can result both in the short, medium and long terms). Added to which the annoucement of a CE mark for Abbott's shiny new Libre2 at EASD this week which offers the option of alerts and alarms that many Libre users have been wanting for so long. And the current news seems to be that Libre2 sensors and its reader will cost exactly the same as Libre1.

The meeting closed with commitments to keep up the pressure, write to MPs, involve the local press, liaise with local HCPs and specialists. There are plans to gather more information and case studies of the benefits & cost savings other areas are experiencing (particularly where these include substantial short-term savings eg for hypoglycaemia and DKA admissions). There was also a genuine desire to try to get in front of the CCG in person and/or as a group. I may have accidentally suggested going mob-handed to the CCG AGM or a similar public meeting dressed as Jelly Babies. A Flashmob, if you will.

Watch this space.

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