
Friday 19 May 2017

More than Diabetes, 4 minutes of Marvin - DBlog Week Day 5

Today is the last day of Diabetes Blog Week, and the prompt is an invition to share something non-diabetes related - "an interest, hobby, passion, something that is YOU... because there is more to life than just diabetes!". Huge thanks again to Karen at Bittersweet for organising such an inspiring week.

I read the topic list at the beginning of the week and really had no idea where to go with this one. But as I wandered out this morning, in glorious sunshine with our wonderful, affectionate, friendly, beautiful dog, I could think of nothing better. Huge apologies to anyone whose toes are already curling in that someone-over-sharing-pictures-of-their-children-on-Facebook way. But here it is...

We got Marvin a little over a year ago, and he has had such a massively positive impact on all of our lives. He's a medium sized cross-breed, mixing Clumber Spaniel with Miniature Poodle, to make a 'Clumberdoodle'. He motivates me to get out and about every single day - any time I meet my notional step goal target for the day is down mostly to Marvin. He is playful and affectionate, but not annoyingly so. He likes a snooze and loves people, children, and other dogs. He knows just when to snuggle-in, if you are feeling frustrated or down, and as our youngest pointed out not so long ago, having Marvin ensures that each of us will laugh out loud at least once every, single, day.

It is almost impossible now to remember life without him.

And since a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is made up of thousands of pictures viewed one after another to create the illusion of movement*, I have chosen to produce a short video to give you 4 minutes of Marvin. Enjoy!

* One for the Wittertainees there.

For other posts on this topic, check out the Day 5 link list.

4 minutes of Marvin


  1. What a wonderful post Mike - Marvin is just gorgeous. How on earth do you put these videos together so quickly?

    My personal trainer Elsi (Golden Retriever) has just insisted on taking me out for a walk to get my step count in for the day :)

    Best wishes,


    1. Haha! the wonders of free video editing software shipped on computers these days and a handful of video snippets grabbed over the months. They are fun to do :)

  2. What a cutie! If I could be guaranteed a Marvin I would get a dog! He is just perfect!

    1. You should do it! We took a while researching suitable breeds for us as a family (which involves so much more than deciding what shape and size you like the look of), but it's been such a positive experience. Lots and lots of lovely doggies need a new home too. We already have half a plan to adopt a rescue as a companion for Marv.

  3. There are never enough puppies on the Internet 😊

    1. Just trying to balance all the cat videos :)

  4. Adorable doggie you've got. Dogs are so, so good for us!

  5. oh wow! What a fabulous video! Your little Marvin looks adorable. I agree that dogs are so, so good for us! I have a 2 year old Springer Spaniel called Barney and he is cute too. He makes me get out and do my steps too. And there is always someone to talk to on a walk. Maybe all diabetics should get a dog???

  6. So CUTE!!!!! Thanks for sharing and introducing us to Marvin!!! I agree that dogs are lovely!! I have a 3 year old full miniature poodle we adopted & We couldn't be happier!!! He coaxes me to take him on his daily walks and who can resist those cute faces!!!

  7. I want a Marvin! Got to be a hypo-dog opportunity surely? Any excuse!
