
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Poem: Helpful comments - DBlog Week Day 2

Today's DBlog Week challenge is to write a post as a poem. Here goes...

Helpful comments

Was it because
You had too many cakes?
Or ate too many sweets,
Is that what it takes?

My Grandmother had it
And she lost her eyes.
My Uncle's feet fell off
To everyone's surprise.

Can you eat that?
Can you eat that?
Can you really eat that?
Can you eat that?
Should you eat that?
You shouldn't eat that!

Injecting yourself?
I don't think I could
I'd rather die...
(Well actually, you would!)

Increased risk
Of heart attack, stroke,
Kidney failure, blindness,
Body broke.

What was this high from?
And why there that low?
You simply must
Try harder, you know.

Can you eat that?
Can you eat that?
Can you really eat that?
Can you eat that?
Should you eat that?
You shouldn't eat that!

Thanks for your help folks,
But can I suggest
You think before speaking
We're trying our best.


  1. Thanks Vicki!

    I enjoyed your 'dream device' wildcard post too :)

  2. This is one that I'll probably hang on my wall in my office...
    Then I can just point to it when asked, "Can you...?"

  3. This is pretty great, and I like how the Can You Eat That? grafs are kind of like a chorus to the whole poem about our diabetes song and dance. Most of these people don't even realize what they're saying is so off, but it wears on you....

  4. Thanks everyone. Much appreciated.

  5. I absolutely want to print this out and carry around copies to hand out when I get all those "helpful" comments. Wonderful job!!

  6. I snickered out loud at "to everyone's surprise." Nice work.

  7. #1 peeve of "helpful" non PWD''s so hard to be polite (back) to them!
